Southern Sweet Paws Puppy Contract

Review our current Contract.

Fill out and submit if you are ready to make your purchase.

Call or email if you have any questions prior to submitting.


Southern Sweet Paws thanks you so much for choosing your puppy from us!

We appreciate your trust in us, and will do everything we can to support you as you begin your life with a 

new puppy. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and concerns after your 

puppy arrive home. We also love pictures of happy times with your new family member. As we continue 

to maintain our website, we would love for you to share your experience with us and your new puppy, so 

we might share it with others.

Be prepared that the first few days might be a bit of a challenge . . . sort of like bring a brand new baby 

home from the hospital. Depending on how quickly your puppy overcomes separation anxiety and 

adjustment to a new environment, a good night's sleep may not be an option. This too, shall pass.

We highly recommend crate training. Dogs do not like to sleep in their own filth by nature. This is why 

crate training is so successful. Not to mention, it protects them from harm around your house when you are 

not home, as well as protects your house! A puppy needs to go out about every 2 hours, and immediately 

after they wake up, after eating and drinking, after a play session. Pick a bathroom spot outside and always 

take your puppy to that same spot. The older they get, the longer they will be able to hold it. However, like 

children, I believe every puppy is different. You will quickly get to know the signs from your puppy when 

it needs to go potty. Communication between you and your puppy is the milestone to successful potty 

training. Keep in mind, every accident is our fault, not the puppies. Many have found a bell on the door 

handle of the door your puppy will go out (consistency is the key) helps expedite the communication.

Once again, we thank you for trusting us as your breeder of your new faithful companion.

The McQueen Family


To the best of my knowledge, this puppy is in good health at the time of the sale.

Your puppy has been checked out by a licensed veterinarian and comes with a health guarantee.

If you have any issues with your puppy please let us know, we want to make sure you are happy. The 

seller assumes no responsibility for the puppy after leaving the premises. Also all puppies are sold as 

"Pet Quality" only. They are not guaranteed as "Show Quality". Your puppy's dad is a Poodle 

according to AKC Registry standards and mom is a Bernese Mountain Dog according to AKC 

registry standards. If a puppy is shipped via flight, if something unfortunate were to happen in the 

process of the flight. You will be refunded.

Southern Sweet Paws
New Philadelphia, OH 44663

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